If you’re new to our Digital Profiles you might be a little confused with how to file your documents properly… and why you need to do this! Let’s tackle the Why first.
Each job advertised has set minimum requirements for the role, these requirements relate directly to your documents. When you apply for a job the system will look at your documents and try to match the minimum essential documentation with what you have saved in your profile. If you have not ‘filed’ the documents correctly then you will not be able to apply for the job.

For example, this job specifies that you must hold COC – A-II/ 2: Master Unlimited. In order to apply for this job you are required save the document as follows – Type: COC, SubType: A-II/ 2: Master Unlimited.
If you simply save this document as Type: Other, SubType: Master Unlimited then it will not match up in the system and you will not be able to apply for the job.
Now you understand why your documents must be filed correctly let’s have a look at how! First of all you must select the Type – COC, COE, Endorsements, STCW etc… then choose the Subtype from the drop down menus.
Once you have selected the correct Type and Subtype you can add in the remaining details, Document Number, Title, Description, Issue Date, Expiry Date, Place of Issue, add an attachment which is a copy of the document in a JPG or PDF format and finally set an expiry reminder, this is a really useful feature!

We appreciate that this is a lot to remember so a help document has been created… you can download and print this if you wish. Click Here To Download or you can review the list of Types and Subtypes below.
- A-II/ 1: Officers In Charge of a Navigational Watch, Unlimited
- A-II/ 2: Master, Unlimited
- A-II/ 2: Chief Mate, Unlimited
- A-II/ 3: Masters On Ships of Less Than 500 Gross Tonnage, Near-Coastal
- A-II/3 Master Less than 3,000 GT domestic – Near Coastal
- A-II/ 3: Master Local Domestic Passenger Vessels – Near Coastal
- A-II/ 3: Officer In Charge Of A Navigational Watch On Ships Of Less Than 500 Gross Tonnage, Near-Coastal
- A-II/ 4: Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch
- A-II/ 5: Able Seafarer Deck
- A-III/ 1: Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 9000kw
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 9000kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 1500kw
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 1500kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 3000kw
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer on ships of less than 3000kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Chief Engineer Officer Unlimited
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 9000kw
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 9000kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 1500kw
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 1500kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 3000kw
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer on ships of less than 3000kw LEA
- A-III/ 2: Second Engineer Officer Unlimited
- A-III/ 3: Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer on Ships Between 750 Kw and 3,000 Kw
- A-III/ 4: Rating Forming Part of an Engineering Watch
- A-III/ 5: Able Seafarer Engine
- A-III/ 6: Electro-Technical Officer
- A-III/ 7: Electro-Technical Rating
- A-IV/ 2: GMDSS Radio Operator
- Chief Mate Limited on Ships of less than 3000 Gross Tonnage
- Master Limited on Ships of less than 3000 Gross Tonnage
- Efficient Deck Hand
- Ship’s Cook Certificate
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Bahamas
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Cyprus
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Isle Of Man
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Liberian
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Norway
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Panama
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency UK
- Certificate of Equivalent Competency Other
(Dangerous Cargo Endorsement)
- DCE – Chemical
- DCE – Gas
- DCE – Others
- DCE – Petroleum
- Other
- Resume
- Cover Letter
- Other
- Drug and Alcohol Test / Blood Test
- Seafarer’s Medical Examination
- UKOOA – Medical Fitness
- Yellow Fever Vaccination
- Other
- AGT0-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 1
- AGT1 (CBT)-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 1 (CBT)
- AGT1-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 2
- AGT2 (CBT)-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 2 (CBT)
- AGT2-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 3
- AGT3 (CBT)-Authorised Gas Tester Training Level 3 (CBT)
- AMA-ERRV Crew Advanced Medical Aid
- BOAT-Travel Safely By Boat
- BOER-Basic Onshore Emergency Response
- BOSIET (With CA-EBS)-Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training (With CA-EBS)
- BOSIET-Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training
- Bridge-Bosiet Bridging Elements
- BS0-Banksman and Slinger Training – Stage 1
- BS2-Banksman and Slinger Training – Stage 3
- BS3-Banksman and Slinger Training – Stage 4
- BS-Blaster/ Sprayer Training
- BSC-Blaster Sprayer Competence
- C&C-Command and Control for ERRV Masters And Mates
- CA-EBS-Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (Ca-Ebs) Initial Deployment Training
- CASS-Competence Assessor
- COWPA-Control of Work Training for Performing Authorities
- COX (Free)-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Training (Free Fall)
- COX (Single)-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Training (Single Fall)
- COX (SS)-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Supplementary Fall Training (Single Fall)
- COX (TS)-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Supplementary Fall Training (Twin Fall)
- COX (Twin)-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain Training (Twin Fall)
- COX-Offshore Lifeboat Coxswain
- CRO-Control Room Operator
- DCC-ERRV Crew Daughter Craft Coxswain
- DGS-Dangerous Goods By Sea
- EBS-Emergency Breathing System
- ECT-Escape Chute Training
- ESR0-Elected Safety Representatives Development Training Module 1
- ESR1-Elected Safety Representatives Development Training Module 2
- ESR2-Elected Safety Representatives Development Training Module 3
- ESR3-Elected Safety Representatives Development Training Module 4
- FOER-Further Onshore Emergency Response
- FOET (With CA-EBS)-Further Offshore Emergency Training (With CA-EBS)
- FOET-Further Offshore Emergency Training
- FP-Fire Proofing Training
- FRCB-ERRV Crew Fast Rescue Craft Boatman
- FRCC-ERRV Crew Fast Rescue Craft Coxswain
- GH-Offshore Drilling Industry Greenhand
- H2S-Basic H2S Training
- HDA/ HERTM-F-HDA And HERTM Further Training
- HDA-Offshore Helideck Assistant (HDA) Initial Training
- HERTL-HLO Helideck Emergency Response Team Leader (HERTL) Training
- HERTM-HDA Helideck Emergency Response Team Member (HERTM) Training
- HLO/ HERTL-F-HLO And HERTL Further Training
- HLO-Offshore Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) Initial Training
- HUET (With CA-EBS)-Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (With CA-EBS)
- HUET-Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
- IMIST-International Minimum Industry Safety Training
- ITSO-ERRV Crew Initial Training Shipboard Operations
- IV-Internal Verifier
- LCP-LOLER Competent Person Assessment
- MEMIR-Major Emergency Management Initial Response Training
- MIST (CBT)-Minimum Industry Safety Training For Experienced Workers
- MIST-Minimum Industry Safety Training
- NMI-Application Of Insulation Systems Training
- OCO0-Offshore Crane Operator – Stage 1 Introductory Training
- OERTL-Offshore Emergency Response Team Leader
- OERTM-Offshore Emergency Response Team Member
- OIM-OIM Controlling Emergencies
- OODTP-Ongoing Onboard Development & Training Programme For ERRV Master And Crew
- OSR-Offshore Safety Representative
- R0-Rigger Training – Stage 1
- R2-Rigger Competence – Stage 3
- R3-Rigger Competence – Stage 4
- RO-Offshore Radio Operator
- SDAW-Safe Driving At Work
- TBOSIET-Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction And Emergency Training
- TFOET-Tropical Further Offshore Emergency Training
- THUET-Tropical Helicopter Underwater Escape Training
- Other
- Any (For documents that don’t fit under the set types)
- Drivers License
- Photograph
- Identification Document
- Other
- Behaviour Based Safety Process
- Boatmaster License
- Bridge Resource Management
- Bridge Team Management
- Chemical Tanker Training
- Cook Assistant Certificate
- COWS – Crude Oil Washing
- Crane Operator Certificate
- Crew Resource Management
- DP – Induction
- DP – Limited
- DP – Simulator
- DP – Full
- DP Maintenance Kongsberg K-Pos
- DP Maintenance
- DP Maintenance Rolls Royce
- ECDIS course – Generic
- ECDIS course – Type specific
- Electrician
- Engine Room Resource Management
- Engine Room Simulator
- Engine room Simulator Course
- Engine room Systems Management
- Familiarisation Training
- Fire Security – Chemical Spill
- Food Hygiene
- FRC – Fast Rescue Craft
- Gas Fuelled Ships – Advanced Training
- Gas Fuelled Ships – Basic Training
- General Ship Handling
- GMDSS Certificate
- Hazmat/ IMDG
- HELM course – Management level
- HELM course – Operational level
- High Voltage course – Management level
- High Voltage course – Operational level
- IGOS Inert Gas
- Language Proficiency
- LICOS – Chemical Cargo Simulator
- LICOS – Gas Cargo Simulator
- LICOS – Petroleum Cargo Simulator
- Lifeboatman
- Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment
- Liquefied Gas Tanker Training
- MES Certificate
- Oil Tanker Training
- Others
- Pass Safety, Cargo Safety & Hull
- Radar
- Safety Officers Course
- Security Duties Training
- Ships Security Officer
- Tanker Familiarisation
- Wiper
- A-V/ 1-1-1: Basic Training for Oil And Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- A-V/ 1-1-2: Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations
- A-V/ 1-1-3: Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations
- A-V/ 1-2-1: Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo
- A-V/ 1-2-2: Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo
- A-V/ 2-1: Crowd Management Training
- A-V/ 2-2: Safety Training for Personnel Providing Direct Service to Passengers in Passenger Spaces
- A-V/ 2-3: Crisis Management and Human Behaviour Training
- A-V/ 2-4: Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity Training
- A-Vi/ 1: Basic Safety Training Certificate
- A-Vi/ 1-1: Personal Survival Techniques (PST)
- A-VI/ 1-2: Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FP&FF)
- A-VI/ 1-3: Proficiency in Elementary First Aid (EFA)
- A-VI/ 1-4: Proficiency in Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR)
- A-VI/ 2-1: Proficiency in Survival Craft, Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (PSC&RB)
- A-VI/ 2-2: Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB)
- A-VI/ 3: Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF)
- A-VI/ 4-1: Proficiency in Medical First Aid (MFA)
- A-VI/ 4-2: Proficiency in Medical Care
- A-VI/ 5: Ship Security Officer
- A-Vi/ 6-1: Security Awareness
- A-VI/ 6-2: Designated Security Duties
- Passport
- EU Passport
- Police Clearance
- Seaman’s Book/ CDC (Continuous Discharge Certificate)
- UK Work Permit (If Applicable)
- US Visa
- Others
- Advanced Powerboat Certificate Of Competence
- Basic Sea Survival Certificate
- Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Certificate
- Day Skipper Certificate Of Competence
- Day Skipper Shorebased Certificate
- Diesel Engine
- Diveboat Coxswain
- Diveboat Master
- First Aid
- International Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft
- IYT Advanced Powerboat Master
- IYT Bareboat Skipper Power Certificate of Competency
- IYT Master Of Yachts Coastal/ Mate 200 Tons
- IYT Small Powerboat & RIB Master Certificate of Competency
- IYT VHF Radio Operator Certificate of Competency
- IYT/ PADI Diveboat Coxswain Certification
- IYT/ PADI Diveboat Master
- IYT/ PADI Diveboat Mate
- IYT/ PADI Diveboat Operations Specialist
- Marine Radio Short Range Certificate
- Powerboat Level 2
- Yachtmaster Coastal (Previously Known as Coastal Skipper Certificate of Competence)
- Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence
- Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Certificate
- Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence